Monday, June 28, 2010

Lamenting the Loss of My Home Studio

My school studio is great. It's big, has a lot of wall space, and is conveniently located near the sink. Still, even though it is less than half the size and I have to travel from the second floor to the basement to use the utility sink, I miss my home studio. I am and have always been a morning person. I can accomplish more before 10:00 am. than most people can do in a day, but once noon rolls around, I'm useless until about 6:00 pm. I miss waking up, grabbing a cup of tea or a diet soda, checking my email, and then heading upstairs to the studio. It's heaven to listen to music without headphones (and why is it that the good people at Apple can't seem to make a pair of earbuds that don't make your ears feel like they're beginning to necrotize?), spend time with the kitty cat, and take the occasional quick nap. For me the home studio provides the optimal conditions for creating art. But anyway...

Even though my heart is at home, for the Summer Semester, I will enjoy the enormous space, be as messy as I want to be, and try my best to be productive after 12:00 pm.
I've included photos of my school studio and the paintings that I am working on now. The paintings don't look very good at the moment because I am in the process of creating a paint history and defining the shapes. Maybe by the end of the week they will look richer and more developed.

Sunday, June 27, 2010

The Viewer's Journey

On the way home from Storm King and Dia: Beacon this past Thursday we watched a Louise Bourgeois DVD. Her commissioned piece I Do, I Undo, and I Redo for the Tate Modern in London began to make me think about "the journey," not only the artist's journey, but also the journey of the viewer as he/she experiences the work both physically and emotionally.

Spring 2010 Critique

The images below are of my paintings and collages from the Spring 2010 critique that took place this past June 19th.